Old Forester 1910 Bourbon Whisky 750ml
Old Forester
Prix régulier $59.99
Old Forester 1910 750ml
Old Forester 1910 delivers a nice, thick and chewy mouthfeel. The sugars from the char are really evident. The palate is sickly sweet with a heavy layer of burnt caramel and vanilla. ... A dominating flavor of charred oak leads the charge and is intermingled with a light dose of caramel and vanilla.
1910 Old Fine Whisky, Old Forester’s fourth and final expression in the Whiskey Row Series, double-barreled to create a smooth mingling of sweet and spice.
Brown–Forman Corporation
Old Forester is a brand of Kentucky straight bourbon whiskey produced by the Brown–Forman Corporation. It has been on the market continuously for longer than any other bourbon (approximately 150 years as of 2020) and was the first bourbon sold exclusively in sealed bottles.
Is the Old Forester 1910 rare?
As the final member of the Old Forester Whiskey Row series, Old Forester 1910 Old Fine Whisky is one of those rare sequels that are better than the original.
What is the age of Old Forester 1910?
The bourbon inside is aged seven to nine months, then bottled at 93 proof.
What is the mash bill for Old Forester 1910?
This 93 proof, limited series Kentucky Bourbon is made from a mashbill of 72% Corn, 18% Rye and 10% Malted Barley. According to the makers of Old Forester, Brown-Forman, 'the 1910 Old Fine Whisky represents a specific point in Old Forester's nearly 150-year-old history.
- ABV: 46.5%
- Proof: 93